
Lax Update Policies Give Hackers an Edge (Risk I/O, now Kenna)

April 14, 2015 By Alida Miranda-Wolff

Featured on Wall Street Journal

Computer hackers don’t have to be cutting edge to wreak havoc online. Rather, they rely on their targets to make it easier for them by not updating buggy software, according to a report by Verizon Communications Inc. expected to be released on Tuesday.

Verizon analyzed anonymous data on 200 million hacking incidents last year collected by Risk I/O, a Chicago network-security company. In 99.9% of those incidents, the hackers exploited a software bug that had been public for at least a year, Verizon said.

The bugs could be used to knock a computer or router offline, scan it to see what data is stored on it or to gain entry. Risk I/O, and Verizon, didn’t name specific victims and the companies don’t know how much damage, if any, resulted from each incident.

Verizon, working with law enforcement agencies and security companies, confirmed 2,122 data breaches in 61 countries last year. That compared to 1,367 breaches in 95 countries during 2013. Part of the increase, Verizon said, was because it had more contributors for this year’s report.

The study offers some of the first empirical evidence for what many say a stubborn problem in computer security: Victims leave a lot of doors open for hackers by not updating their software.

Getting people to hit “update” would seem like an easy fix. But hackers have inertia on their side.

For consumers, installing an updated operating system for an iPhone or restarting a laptop after installing patches can be a nuisance. For companies, which may employ hundreds of software programs that must talk to one another, updating one may disrupt others.

“You want to focus on widget making, not staffing up to patch your entire system,” said Bob Rudis, a security data scientist at Verizon and a former director of information-technology security operations at Liberty Mutual Insurance. “This does become a significant undertaking.”

At the same time, Mr. Rudis said the study suggests there are relatively cheap and straightforward steps companies can take to make it much harder for hackers to break into their systems.

Computer software includes millions of lines of code that tell machines what to do. There are bound to be loopholes and logic flaws that can be “hacked.” When such bugs are found, companies like Microsoft Corp. and Apple Inc. will issue a patch that users can install.

“A number of the companies I talk to today, they’re not patching as it is,” said Mark Weatherford, a consultant at the Chertoff Group and a former government official.

Risk I/O assembled its data from information from other cybersecurity companies, such as Dell Inc.’s security unit and VeriSign Inc. It comes from 150 countries though most of the data is from U.S. targets, the company said.

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