Startups respond to lack of America’s mental health care providers

A report on the state of mental health in the United States shows that while more people have insurance, there are still shortcomings in meeting the needs of those suffering from mental health issues.
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention said suicides are at a 15-year high. Now some startups are offering a solution – mental health care through something called tele-health.
CCTV America’s Roza Kazan explains.
David Cohn wanted to be a psychologist, but he also liked technology and business. So, in 2011, he founded Regroup Therapy – a telehealth startup that connects mental health specialists with patients in underserved remote areas.
He believed the answer is to let patients talk to psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists via a Skype-like platform.
The Regroup startup attracted nearly $2 million with the help of Chicago angel investment firm, Hyde Park Angels.
Hyde Park Angels Member and President of Flagship Physicians, Sapan Shah, said investors see a huge growth opportunity with more Americans suffering from mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety.
Non-profit organization Mental Health America said of the 40 million American adults experiencing a mental health care concern – more than half – 56 percent receive no treatment.
And in some states there is only one mental health professional per 1,000 people. Regroup sees correctional facilities as key potential clients. Mental Health America said more than 1.2 million people with mental health problems reside in prisons.
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